Knee and Joint pains can be of several types. It may be Osteo arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis or Gout. The present modes of treatment are ineffective and in the long run calls for surgical procedures involving replacement of joints. Apart from the p otent ial toxicity to the Liver and Kidneys, the ‘Pain-killers’ actually aggravate the arthritic process. They manipulate Chondrocyte activity and results in excessive breakdown of cartilage, thereby further destabilizing the joi nts as well as increasing the pain eventually. This is the reason why, a lot of Physicians, backed by the extensive studies of theAmerican college of Rheumatology, prefer Ayurvedic herbal supplements. The combination o f several Ayurvedic herbs not only reduces pain, while increasing mobility, they also contribute positively in the regeneration of the cartilages, thereby minimizing the chances of future surgery. At O Brien Variety ,, we have been tremendously successful in helping quite a few patients with Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Some could leave their walking sticks in 3-4 weeks, while some could play golf in ten days. We feel proud, to have rehabilitated at least 8-10 patients, suffering from excruciating pain, back to normal life and successful resumption of work, including hard manual labor. Our options start as low as fourteen dollars for two weeks and can show amazing results within the first week of taking the supplements. The herbal supplements have minimal side effects, are well tolerated and confer many other bene fits, like increasing energy levels, enhancing memory a nd prevention of common respiratory tract infections. The products are fully Lab tested with certifications and contain the best of organic herbs, in the right concentration. For ease of customers, they come in non-allergic, gluten free capsules and without any ‘fillers’!! Try them for a pain free, active and healthy life and reduce the need of future surgical interventions.